He called me BEAR…

Bear in the Connecticut Woods - Midjourney - ©2023 Eduardo Mueses, All Rights Reserved

Ever since I can remember my father called me Bear

In my high school and later in my college years I used to party hard and come back in the early hours of the morning.

That meant that in order to recover from an expected hangover, I used to sleep almost until noon, sometimes 1:00 PM.

He joked that I was always hibernating…

So he started calling me Bear.

When I got married, we lived with them for a brief period of time, and one day, my wife woke up around noon and my father saw her and uttered: “A Female Bear"!!” (There ia a difference in Spanish, Male Bear is: OSO, and Female Bear is: OSA).

So we became the “Bear family” for the rest of the family.

Hence, I have embraced and adopted the bear as my moniker and recognizable sigil.

Who knew that at one point in my life I would wound up in the woods of Connecticut?

In the cold months, I wear a Blue Beanie so the bear is seasonal. 😃

Eduardo Mueses

Dominican Photographer, Graphic Artist, Tea/coffee/Whiskey Lover, Foodie? Exploring the limits of my photoreceptor cells...


La Belle Époque


New England