Two Ways About It

As I write this, the political situation on this country is in complete turmoil.

Recent news and the ways that people are reacting to said news make you think that we are again, at the brink of civil war.

The country is divided in two. Not by political parties, but by the belief in lies, fake news and drible by politicians from both parties. We are now in a position (I believe we have always been there) where we don’t know what or who to believe.

It has been said that when things are at their worst we humans tend to act at our best.

It does not seem that way, right now…

Never mind, I think that quote came from the move Starman.

I asked my brother a question a couple of days ago. Who benefits from a divided country?

Someone has be to be making money from this diatribe. Someone, somehow is benefiting by keeping everybody at each others throats.

I am not pointing fingers at anybody. I am a simple citizen expressing his frustration with the way things are going.

My father had always said that there were three topics you can never argue with people: Religion, Politics and Sports. I have lived my life trying to stay away from argumenting my way on those topics with people. I am not going to start now.

I am just, currently, VOX CLAMANTIS IN DESERTO (the lone voice that’s clamoring in the desert), to quote the Bible. No one is listening to me anyways…

Please, please, can we all just get along? 🤪

Eduardo Mueses

Dominican Photographer, Graphic Artist, Tea/coffee/Whiskey Lover, Foodie? Exploring the limits of my photoreceptor cells...

The Crane

