Discouraging Words

Salami Omelette

I read some discouraging words last night.

It was an article stating why diets don’t work. One of the facts mentioned, was that the majority of the people regain the weight within a year. It was mostly related to fad diets like keto (somewhat what my wife and I are doing). Exercise didn’t help either, according to the health publication.

Nothing seemed to work. Not supplements, not teas, not cutting carbs, nor exercising….

In the mean time, I have lost 13 pounds, and I am happier.

Not sure how long it would last, or how long I can keep eating what I am eating in the land of the supersize.

I am sleeping better, My knees, feet, shoulders and elbows are feeling much better. My blood pressure is the best I have ever seen; I am healthier.

Isn’t that what matters?

Eduardo Mueses

Dominican Photographer, Graphic Artist, Tea/coffee/Whiskey Lover, Foodie? Exploring the limits of my photoreceptor cells...


World Photography Day


Not Good at It