
AI Render of a Cephalopod

A giant cephalopod rising from the deep | Midjourney AI | ©️2022 Eduardo Mueses, All rights Reserved ?

So I have been experimenting with all the Artificial Intelligence out there on the World Wide Web.

I’d even sign up for a Midjourney account just to cancel it a few days later.

I am not convinced…

Pundits are raving about the “incredible” art that can be created while haters are claiming the death of art and/or reality as we know it.

I have seen some absolutely stunning works of art generated by the AI. But I am not convinced that this is just a fad and pretty soon the whole thing is going to be relegated to a few fans and diehards.

Is a gimmick.

The more you want to create, the more you have to pay.

Sounds like an addiction, and believe me, creating art this way is highly addictive.

It promises the panacea of creating art without knowing how to draw or take pictures, just by using your words.

Lately, there have been some websites that have popup, that will help you with your “Prompts” (What you need to tell the AI in order to create the art piece) and the engines even offer a way to copy other people’s prompts so you too can create the same type of images.

It’s all on that Prompt, you see. The old computer adage still applies: “Garbage In, Garbage Out” (GIGO as it was called on my college days).

If your prompt is no good, your art is no good.

By the way, there is still the unanswered question of “Is that art really yours if a computer created it?” Can you tell people, “All Rights Reserved” when they can copy the prompt that you used to generate the piece?

Don’t get me started on the implications of the origin of the images that are been used to generate the art. They are coming from somewhere. I don’t think a lot of time will pass until someone recognizes a part of their registered work on one of the images generated by the AI.

This is the type of discussion/questions that are been “generated” (pun intended) and to which we are not prepared to answer yet.

I don’t have the answers, I’ll leave it to the lawyers and politicians. I am just here waiting for the show to drop…

Eduardo Mueses

Dominican Photographer, Graphic Artist, Tea/coffee/Whiskey Lover, Foodie? Exploring the limits of my photoreceptor cells...


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