Bucket List

Bucket List:

a list of things that one has not done before but wants to do before dying.

Do you have a bucket list?

If so, what’s in it? Travel? Experiences? Family? Friends?

There is a plethora of books out there with titles like “The 1000 movies you should watch before you die” or “100 places to see before you kick the bucket”.

All with the same intent. A list of things that we procrastinate doing. Things we always say: “I don’t have enough time to do this, right now. I’ll put it on my bucket list, so I can do it later and before I die”.

Like we know exactly when that is going to happen. We have marked it down on our calendar. “The Day death comes for me…

We are kidding ourselves. We have no idea when anything is going to happen to us. I am sorry to be morbid, but it doesn’t have to be even death.

We could have a bunch of things on said list and something, call it destiny, might thwart those plans in one way or the other.

Why not take advantage of the one and only time we have control over? I am talking about The NOW!

Here and now!

  • Go learn how to draw.

  • Go travel to Thailand and visit the floating markets.

  • Go take a cruise.

  • Go learn to play the guitar.

  • Go apologize to that friend you insulted all those years ago.

  • Go watch a classic movie or a play by yourself.

  • Go indulge in a pistachio ice cream.

  • Go live…

Eduardo Mueses

Dominican Photographer, Graphic Artist, Tea/coffee/Whiskey Lover, Foodie? Exploring the limits of my photoreceptor cells...




Copenhagen Cowboy